Ovidio Mario Bucci

Ovidio Mario Bucci was born in Civitaquana, Italy, on November 18, 1943. He graduated summa cum laude in Electronic Engineering at Universiy of Naples in 1966 and got the Libera Docenza in Theory and Technique of Electromagnetic Fields (allowing to become a tenured university professor) in 1971. He was an Assistant Professor at the Istituto Universitario Navale of Naples, 1967–1975, then Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields at the University of Naples 1976-2014, where he is currently a professor emeritus. He was Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Vice Rector of the University of Naples, Director of the Institute of Electromagnetic Environmental Sensing (IREA) of the Italian National Research Council, Director of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Microwaves and Antennas (CIRMA). He also was President of the National Research Group of Electromagnetism, of the MTT-AP Chapter of the Centre-South Italy Section of IEEE, member of the Directive Board of the National Inter University Consortium on Telecommunications (CNIT), of the delegate Assembly of the European Association for Antennas and Propagation, of the Management Committees of the European COST Actions IC0603 (ASSIST), COST IC1102 (VISTA) and TD1301 (MiMed).  He is member of the Board of the European School of Antennas, of the Technical Committee MTT-10 of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and of the European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers. He is the author or co-author of about 450 scientific papers, mainly published on international scientific journals or proceedings of international conferences. His scientific interests include scattering from loaded surfaces, antennas transient behaviour, time and frequency domain spectrometry, analysis and synthesis of reflector antennas, arrays and reflectarrays, efficient representations and information content of electromagnetic fields, near-field antennas measurement and diagnostic techniques, inverse problems and not invasive diagnostics, biological applications of nanocomponents and electromagnetic fields Among others, He was a recipient of the International Award GUIDO DORSO for Scientific Research and of the gold medal for Science and Culture from the President of the Italian Republic. He his Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and Member of the  Academia Pontaniana.